A semi-realistic pet simulator. Check the cat's status, feed, pet, clean and play with your pet to keep it happy.  Earn money by playing with your pet. Use the money at the shop to decorate your house (random shop items for now) and to feed your pet. 


  • Use the menu icons at the bottom to deal with your cat's stats. 
  • Click the cat to see it's stats, click it again or anywhere else to exit the stats screen
  • Click the menu icon for the desired action, you need to click it again to deselect it before choosing something else

CLEANLINESS - will go down if you leave poo on the map! Grab that scooper and get scooping.
AFFECTION - pet it to increase
HUNGRY - feed it to increase (but food costs money!)
HAPPINESS - play games with your pet to keep it happy.

That's it, enjoy! 


Daebak - all of the programming, art 10%
Okienoki - art 90%, music loop, animations
Okienoki's cat - inspiration and reference